Sunday, March 17, 2019

How much longer do I have to be embarrassed by republicans? (#3698)

     I am a reasonable sort of person who can take a bit of idiocy in my life as long as it isn't a prolonged event. Yet what I am having to live under with republicans in charge of our senate, presidency and now supreme court is just too much! I understand that the will of the people must be served but that isn't what is happening here. With the appointed trump, he lost by almost 3 million total votes. Then in the senate where around 40 million people in California, (1 state) are represented by 2 democratic senators; while in Wyoming, Alaska, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Nebraska, Mississippi, Arkansas, Utah, Oklahoma, Louisiana, S. Carolina, and Missouri (14) states with around 41 million people are represented by 28 republican senators,
     Then there is the Supreme Court where republicans who controlled the senate would not let President Obama fill a vacant seat with a democrat nominee for the last 10 months of his term. Now that trump has the presidency the still republican controlled senate voted in a compromised republican candidate to fill that vacant Supreme Court seat. Then a sitting Supreme Court justice retired under dubious conditions just so trump could put in a younger even more despicable republican nominee. So with that the majority on the Supreme Court is republican whereas it should have been a democratic majority Supreme Court.
     With every turn of our political maneuverings the republican theft of our democracy is exposed. From a despicable appointed republican president and a prejudicial electoral college process to the under representation of citizens with the allotment of senators to the now decaying Supreme Court with its stigma forever tarnished with the last two republican cads added. I am just one of many millions who are embarrassed by this era of republican manipulation but I am the one who is me and it is a foul distasteful reality that I know we are confronted with. The last election of 2018 was a salve to the gaping wound but in order to stitch this wound up for a proper healing the next election must convey that the era of republicanism is over and the national embarrassment has come to an end.

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