Saturday, March 23, 2019

Now the anticipation (#3704)

     So the Mueller report has been handed in to the trump attorney general. I can only expect that the will to bury the report will be strong and underhanded. That Mueller surely has a copy of the report is good in that if he had to he could release it to the public and then suffer the consequences of his illegal act. Which to me would be patriotic and beyond anything positive he has ever done so far. Because like all whistleblowers the greater good must prevail. Yet we will see how it goes with the trumps hand picked lackey attorney general. But then again, William Barr may surprise us and do the right thing despite trump and his orders.
     Yet some things must be cleared up as to the sealed indictments so we the public will know more than nothing for sure. The New York State charges against trump will not be open for trump to hide and he will suffer their finding and sentencing regardless of his appointed presidential position. So although Mueller is done his report is not done with the evidence and conclusions he has drawn in it. So as the next few days unfold as to how we as a nation proceed in the face of obstruction by trump the palpable anxiety we are experiencing, is thick. I for one was surprised by the announcement that the Mueller's report was complete and handed over. I had expected it to go on for about at least another month given the sealed indictments not having been exposed.
     But regardless, the fact that Mueller's report is done is good and what happens next is going to be a dogfight between trumps and his acolytes and we the American people who want answers. This is our country and trump has no right to hide that which is proof to make him pay for his actions. No matter what, our democracy must survive and if it isn't transparent it will not last long. Surely there are some national security concerns that will likely need to be redacted but the truth of crimes are not those. So whatever else happens next there cannot be any sweeping of crimes under the rug. Our democracy demands that we be made aware of what this appointed president and his administration along with his congressional collaborators have done or the rule of law will not survive this episode.

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