Thursday, March 28, 2019

No more gut punches from trumps (#3709)

     I can officially say that I am immune to any more gut punched feelings when it comes to the harm trumps are causing. In fact I am wide eyed about him causing harm at every turn. No surprises to me anyway. I have endured his hate and bias to the point where it will never leave me vulnerable to being shocked. That is what being treated with what at best can be considered condescension, at worst maddening hatred. My evolution during this time has been a hardening of my soul toward any and all trumps regardless of their connection to me in my life. Period, regardless of any connection at all! To be a trump supporter is to me to be equivalent to human excrement.
     There is nothing in time and space that can justify supporting trump, therefore there can be nothing I share of value with any of them. They will do their worst to us and if we survive and are still able to vote then they will hopefully be done in little over a year and a half. In the meantime I will persevere onward in my railing against them with debate worthy arguments of logic as a weapon of facts and truths to impale the malignancy that is trump and on whole the republican party. Despite my inured state to the worst of what trumps can do, I remain optimistic that our blue wave in little more than 500 some days will be victorious in a crushing way.
     That the trumps think they may have stolen my hope, and my desire for happiness is just like them in that they have misjudged my resolve to defeat them. They have changed my internal emotions from "how can this be" to "I will never stop fighting you". I am more machine like now in how I approach them and if my "take no prisoners" persona seems harsh it is because of what they have been molding toward. They have tried to steal any and all innocence I had left from my childhood and make to conform to their hatred and intolerance to diversity. Well instead they have rallied my revolutionary heritage to defeat them at all costs regardless of consequence.

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