Sunday, March 24, 2019

Still building the blue wave (#3705)

     My goal all along has been to defeat republicans at the ballot box and notwithstanding the Mueller report and investigations that is still my goal. Because at the ballot box we can defeat every republican on the ballot everywhere if enough of us keep working to express the differences between our parties. We democrats want all of us to succeed while republicans only want themselves and the wealthy to succeed in life. There is no pursuit of happiness for those who are not them! Yet we democrats are all about all of us in every walk of life. From politics to social issues to jobs to education to retirement and everything in between.
     What we democrats are also about is fairness and justice of which republicans only aspire to protect for no one, not even themselves. Why? Because they don't want fairness or justice, they want privilege and advantage. If republicans could do so they would strike words like fairness and justice from our language. If you haven't figured it our yet let me tell you here. The republican party does not want democracy to succeed. They want their authoritarian/theocratic bastardized government which is more in line with a despicable dictatorship than an egalitarian form of society. What republicans want to do is rule without guidelines or societal protections.
     We are not two parties who have the best of democratic principles in our mindset, no, we are one party, democrats, who have that mindset, and another party, republicans who despise such a reality. So the ballot box is where they are most vulnerable and that is where we must build our blue wave to such an intensity as to obliterate republicans everywhere on the ballot. The integrity of our democratic society is at stake and if that isn't enough to rile you to your bones that republicans would want to take that away from you then you deserve much less freedom and a much heavier yoke under republican rule!

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