Sunday, March 10, 2019

I find it disconcertingly amusing... (#3691)

     If the trolls and hackers for trump think that they can confuse we the American electorate they are the ones being tricked. The trumps have done so much harm and are continuing to do so that no matter how the trolls and hackers for trump try to spin the trump damage we are all feeling it in real time. That old saying about words being nothing compared to actions is as real as it gets. But my amusement is cautioned by the fact that there is the propaganda brigade, both from within America and outside America, that trump is employing regardless of the facts of his own actions. Although if one knows of trump they do know that he has an incurable affliction of saying one thing and then doing the opposite.
     I of course am committed to pointing out the fallacies of trump despite the fact of the many that happen even in one day. Because the end of trumps is my goal and the only way to make sure that happens is to keep after his lies as much as possible. When the rest of us are as sure that he is the worst of con men that should never have been installed as our president then the time for the more amusing aspects of his idiocy can be laughed at. Being humorous when the fact that he is hurting most of us all the time precludes as folly though when the seriousness of his attacks on us are devastating. There will come a time for a tempered prolonged smile of mirth but that will come when the trumps are gone.
     This coming blue wave is going to be even greater in its effect than the one last year come November 3rd. 2020. Simply because most every voter who voted for trump, excepting the filthy rich, has been hurt by trumps and their mission to destroy the working middle poor class. Now don't get me wrong here, there are some trump voters who he could tie up and beat on for months and they would still worship him. Nonetheless there are many more who have turned from the support of him and either angrily or ashamedly pronounce that he will not get their vote in 2020. The smothering crash of our blue wave on the heads of republicans in 2020 will be monumental when both chambers of Congress will be ours as well the presidency. Then the work begins to nullify the effect of the judiciary being overrun with the dregs of republican vermin!

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