Saturday, March 16, 2019

If you don't know why healthcare should never be for profit... (#3697)

     This world of ours is full of opportunities to be harmed. From diseases we share with each other to accidents that are part of living in a society. There are numerous ways we can be vulnerable to harm when we live in society. So society should make sure that we are not harmed much beyond that point. Which is why we need a universal health care that covers all. Our societal contract to follow rules and laws is sensible and just as sensible is the concept that we are protected from the chaos of our societal interactions. The idea that we would find a way to profit from our shared miseries is not an enlightened idea. Instead it is a barbaric one. In 1973 nixon signed into law the expansion of health care service industries into for profit entities,
     Another republican who could not grasp the concept of a social contract. We many souls then began the long hard road down the path of being at the mercy of health insurance providers. So much so that now that so many are one illness or injury away from complete bankruptcy. The idea that an illness or injury would take a lifetime of hard work and trade it to some carpetbagging for profit insurance company is insane. I don't mind applying capitalism to innovation and creativity through merit but to profit off the backs of the afflicted is akin to being a grave robber. When this law that nixon signed began to show it's immoral application to our society republicans closed ranks and protected it at all costs.
     There are some paradigms within society that can never be allowed to be for profit. Such as the air we breathe of the water we drink. If we cannot regulate the systems from for profit that actually keep us alive and functioning then the social contract is a myth. I live in society for the betterment of all of us not to be treated as a property or commodity owned and operated by the powerful wealthy. If we cannot grasp the concept that society needs to protect our most important needs then the society is a failure. A new society or a changed one is the next step and although it may be hard to do it is the correct step. There are those who live among us who are not lovers of democracy. Instead they are lovers of power and wealth and nothing greater exists for them. Either they go or I, we go!

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