Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The republicans trying to end Obamacare (#3707)

     The stupid keep getting it wrong but hey, make it easier for our coming blue wave assholes! The republican party is still in it's all out attack on our working middle poor class and nothing gets us riled up like being kicked again and again, while trying to give the wealthy more tax cuts. The illusion that the republican party lives under is thick and cannot easily be seen through. So they keep trying to screw we the American working middle poor class like we are their servant property without a soul nor conscious. Fine then. I personally have been done trying to engage their intelligence and compassion because I have learned long ago that intelligence and compassion are rare instincts within the republican persona.
     The republican person is an endless depth of ignorance and uncaring so wasting time on them only makes me disgusted. I am for the more intelligent caring among us who don't mind making our whole society a model of care and wonder. I am one who believes that logic, common sense, and compassion are the hallmarks of our civilization. To reason, analyze, and conclude is the equation needed for most all modern things, not some disassociated concepts that have no place in reality. So my time is spent here with those who look out to the stars and see our future, not with the unintelligible who cannot escape the republican mantra of the desired brutality of the caveman.
     The latest attack going on with trying to end Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act, through the courts is the never ending hatred republicans have for most all the rest of us Americans. We democrats on the other hand are trying to find the right way to cover all Americans with health care. So if and when the republican conniving party finds a way to deny 10's of millions of folks health care they will be putting a nail in their own coming coffin for us. Because nothing stirs our blue wave more than attacking the fundamental right of the many of us to actually stay alive. The blatant arrogance and condescension republicans have for the many more of us than them will be the end of them and an end that crushes the life out of their agenda as well.

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