Friday, March 29, 2019

Will fear defeat courage? (#3710)

     It seems that our human species is at war with what our future will be. Instead of being compassionate and curious, which forwards our courage, we are trying to become hateful and illogical of what could be, which follows fear. I am only one human being who has spent his lifetime defining his own path forward. I choose to be an enlightened citizen who cares for our species and wonders about all that is real and possible. It follows that I am of the courage camp and see our future through the lens of progress and modernity. I do not fall back on the ancient myths, mores and superstitions that have so infiltrated our current society as pacifiers.
     I am of the bold camp that cannot nor will not accept hiding my head in the sand at every creaking noise in the wind. Yet I am but one. However it has come to me over time that there are many more like me out there who have no time for fear because like me they realize that life is too short to be cowering to the unknown. We instead are the ones who raise our fists to the sky and dare what may be to stop us from living as the most marvelous species ever known. I accept the mantle of our possibilities and then want to make those possibilities even more possible, as it were. Being courageous is just a natural step into every second of my and others' lives and being afraid is childlike and unbecoming of a mature adult.
     However it seems that fear is a formidable opponent in the struggle to define our current human species. It is with a sadness that I have to recognize this and actually write about it. How fear has come to be a trait that is as acceptable as it is is unfortunate. We each have the duty to our own lives to evolve beyond where we are at any given reflective moment, yet we fail to keep our duty to ourselves because of forces greater than our own courage. External forces are not dissimilar to the wind and if the wind can change our duty to ourselves how can we ever be strong enough to fight for others when we cannot even fight for ourselves?

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