Tuesday, March 12, 2019

trump, giving us every reason we need to vote him out (#3693)

     To the extent that I would support an impeachment proceeding against trump, I don't see the one big issue that we can yet prove that he is guilty of high crimes. Because without something that all can say holy crap that is unacceptable he won't be convicted by the majority republican party in the senate. Without the senate voting by 2/3rds to convict, no impeachment will come about. So as things are of right now we have to wait until either Mueller or some state judiciary investigation can unearth the hypothetical "smoking gun". Even if a drawn out impeachment were to happen we would still be left with the trump butt hugging pence as our reward.
     So as time does go by and we get more information about what trump wants to do, we find that just letting him define his latest budget is a boon for us to use against him in the 2020 election. Not only does he want to give our military 100's of billions more than what they asked for but he wants to cut our social programs down to less than bare bones. I will say this right now that (although trump said he would not cut Medicare/medicaid, social security), while now also cutting other poverty addressing programs like food stamps, housing etc..., his budget is the (opposite of his words). More than a trillion dollars cut from social programs with likely more trimmed as a result of his "fixes", https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/3/11/18259789/trumps-2020-budget-proposal-cuts.
     Like I say, just let him keep digging his hole so that when the next election time comes next year he will have effectively destroyed the whole of the republican party and we independents, liberals, and progressives can then retake the reins of government and start reversing the trump affect while pursuing the criminal republicans who allied themselves against the very democracy of our nation. With the house firmly in democratic control the trumps will not get the budget that trump has produced because of the idiocy and harm that it would cause. So we continue to fight against the worst appointed president in our nation's history right up until November 3rd, 2020 when we not only will destroy trump at the ballot but we retake with a vigor the Congress we need to end the madness that trumps have created.

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