Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Meritocracy must prevail over privilege and advantage! (#3694)

     The latest attempts by those who would use privilege and advantage through influence and resources highlights the need for our society to end all privilege and advantage now. Many feel that cheating is the only way to secure the betterment for themselves and/or their offspring because our current system is one that is easily manipulated to override merit. However, the idea that a defeatist cynicism is a defense is dishonorable. The only way to combat the privilege and advantage paradigm is through truth and determination to expose it. Never should anyone acquiesce to joining the lesser paradigm of privilege and advantage because they feel they can't beat them so they join them. All that does is make them just as guilty as those they join.
     There has to be a higher code of conduct for those of us who place democracy over all other forms of society. If other children or adults are more deserving of a place or position then so be it because we are all in this together not just in it by and for ourselves. Meritocracy allows for the best and brightest to advance and achieve as it should be if our national heritage of the melting pot is ever going to be duplicated around the globe. When did we as a society lose sight of our grandest goal of bringing democracy to every nation on the planet? Why would we veer from the most honorable of intentions to being a doormat of broken promises and disabuser to our own citizenry?
     The old paradigms of privilege and advantage need to end in every form from every opportunity. The likelihood of our nation stopping this scourge of inadvertent racism and misogyny is becoming more difficult when it should be becoming easier to expose and end. All the chest pounding rhetoric of our nations greatness has a hollow ring to it when we cannot even address our own obvious ailments that are not only belittling but are rotting to our core. Our nation has had the greatest democracy the world has ever known but we are on a downward slide from that pinnacle and if we don't cure these privilege and advantage societal ailments it won't be long before we are just dust from an old history book with no more to add to what started out as the most wonderful opportunity for our world to become what it could have been in every child's dream.

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