Friday, February 12, 2021

As republicans pretzel even more today in defending the indefensible (#4395)

      From what I understand there will be about a 3 hour "defense" of trump today and then his lawyers will close out the impeachment conviction trial. They had 16 hours over the next two days to make a more detailed case but when they already know they have enough conspiratorial republican senators to rely on to acquit, why even bother defending at all? So the likes of ted cruz, mike lee, rand paul and josh hawley are who the more moderate republican senators are going to align with instead of our constitution and the rule of law?
     I find it rather disappointing that these more moderate republican senators have neither the will nor the inclination to put our democracy above criminality but there is no other conclusion that can be drawn. Yet to me personally it is not unexpected. I am one who hopes for the best but is well aware with republicans to expect the worst. That an attack on our capitol and the death of a policeman as a result of the attack is not seen as a high crime or misdemeanor by republican senators is atrocious! They have been twisting themselves into knots trying to defend their own political trump cow. It is a manifest example of how to ignore the promotion of hatred and death in order to capitalize politically.
     This is also good for our citizenry to see just how depraved and incomprehensible the republican party is at its heart. The odds are the cowardly and selfish republican leadership is going to meekly follow a cabal of republican senators (cruz, hawley, paul and lee) that have the worst traits of humanity at their core. They would rather set a precedent of corruption, treason and cowardice as our new standard of American democracy. I thought we were past the worst of what republicans could do to us anymore but the republican senate has found a way to further dishonor our country with a knife in the back of our offer of hope to the world with a strong democratic constitutional republic.

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