Sunday, February 21, 2021

Never forget that trump republicans put children in metal cages (#4404)

      It took trump losing the election before finally ending the despicable act of caging children by closing the last facility that housed them, If there were an instance of the trump reign of 4 years that disgusted me more than all the rest of the horrible acts of this inhumane personage of trump it is removing children from their parents and locking them in cages. That approximately 5,500 children were separated from their parents is appalling. Approximately 500 or more children have yet to be reunited with their missing parents.
     That over 1400 parents were deported without their children was appalling, The idea that trump would teach immigrants a lesson that if you come here seeking immigration status you will be punished in a most cruel and brutish way was heavy handed and torturous. The Biden administration has created a reunification task force to work to reunite the remaining children with their parents or guardians, But what has been done by the trump's was a shameful and inhumane episode that will likely never be forgotten in the annals of our American history.
     The shame that the republican party cannot feel is how they are able to be the worst of what humanity has evolved. Their inability to feel remorse is obvious as they are incapable of emotive acts such as compassion and empathy. Why we continue to allow such ethical malfeasance to entertain our politics is beyond me and I have been railing against it since my first awareness. I hope that eventually our national destiny will change from the current insufferable brutishness to a kinder understanding of our duty to lead in all areas of the better and best of what a human being can be.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

monstrous. unsurprising,but still monstrous. gop family values written in steel.