Tuesday, February 23, 2021

I am feeling optimistic about controlling the virus soon (#4406)

      Not since November 2019 have I had a haircut from my barber. Yesterday I had a haircut from my barber. The reason I chose yesterday is because with guidelines from the CDC and my own precautions as well as the precautions my barber is taking I felt confident that our economy is beginning to appreciate what it takes to reopen. Along with the Biden administration actions on testing, acquiring of vaccines, and a plan for getting those vaccines into arms my confidence is returning. Joe and Kamala have prioritized defeating this pandemic as their number one mission.
     With that I am also reinforced in my optimism. This is no wishful thinking because I couldn't wait any longer to get a haircut. In fact I was torn as to whether I should even get a haircut as my hair was getting to a longer more manageable hippified look that I had had for a part of my younger life. A reliving the past scenario that was almost as strong as getting the normal haircut I like. Well the haircut won out but not because I had to have one but because our nation and here in California we are doing a good job now of staving off this insidious virus.
     I am now so confident that I see our summer as one that will look more like the summer of 19, than the summer of 20. With a very competent federal government now orchestrating the vaccine rollout and fortified with strong CDC recommendations our nation should be poised to arrest the worst of what the Covid-19 virus was allowed to damage due to trump mismanagement and dismissal of facts. The difference with the Biden/Harris ticket in charge now is night and day compared to trumps. I feel alive and eager to begin a life free from the angst of federal ineptitude and uncaring. With new hope and a mindset of logic and science to back it, I can say now that we are coming out of our caves and are ready to find commonality where it exists for those of us who care about what is next for our futures.

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