Monday, February 8, 2021

The House in 2022 (#4391)

      The blue wave we democrats are on is still riding high and with republican infighting it is hard to  tell what the conservatives will look like come primary season. But the idea that republicans have an advantage because of historical trends is less likely in this era, post trump. For one thing trump is effectively tearing at the seams of the republican party. It is too early yet to know how that will shake out. Also there is the problem with the census being delayed and not knowing for sure what the congressional districts will look like in the 43 states that have more than one district.
     In January of this year President Biden returned the census to its historical method of counting all persons living in the US for the sake of redistricting. Reversing the trump decree to only count US citizens. This makes a huge difference in places like California, Arizona, and Texas. What it also does is make it more difficult for red states to acquire blue state districts. I don't have to tell you the advantage republicans would get with further non representation. Like with obstruction and gerrymandering, the republican party has no chance to win unless they deny democratic principles.
     So predicting the House at this early stage is a fool's errand and not one I will take at this time. However, like I stated yesterday, if we democrats deliver the policies we have been elected to champion then the better for our party in 2022. Which makes the republican party less relevant as they keep showing to our nation as they vote against these same policies. I will say the future looks brighter for our democrats than it does for republicans as we democrats are trying to get help out to the American people. As we go forward today with the trial of trump and the building of the Covid-19 American relief plan the obvious conclusion many may well draw is that there is only one political party working to make life better for Americans and that is us, the democratic party!

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