Monday, February 22, 2021

Ending the republican party (#4405)

      That trump is speaking at cpac this coming Sunday is another failing of the republican party. He will claim the republican party as his despite the FACT that he lost the presidency, house and senate majorities. The republicans are doing their part in destroying themselves so we democrats must hold up our end by continuing to expose their illogic and shame. We must serve our nation in putting out the flames of republicanism at every turn. Because for republicans it is all about brushfires and outright infernos. They do not govern, they manipulate wherever and whenever they can make political hay.
     As we are seeing with Beto O'Rourke, Joe Biden and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, we democrats are a party of action when help is needed. We are not disinterested enough to vacation during a crisis nor are we out to wrongly blame forward thinking agendas that hide their own culpability. Our democratic policies of unity and strength far outweigh the policies of republicans which are survival of the fittest in application. Texas is showing us that deregulation is not a good policy when profit is the bottom line before humanity. Where republicans lead states the states themselves are impoverished and intellectually backward.
     The only hope for our American society is for the republican party to disband due to it's own corruption and inadequacy. Never in the history of our nation has a political party been so toxic to the values of democracy and nature of humanity. The time has come for the republican party to go the way of the Whigs and Anti-Federalist party's among many others. They initially served a purpose whether good and/or bad but either way they only had limited appeal over a short period of time. The only party now that has great appeal for the last 60 years is the Democratic party. Because we have chosen progressive liberal policies based upon democratic values; not like the others who lost sight of democracy and served only a portion of our electorate.

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