Thursday, February 4, 2021

My first prediction on the 2022 midterms (#4387)

      Historically, the first election after a presidential election 2 years previous has gone decisively toward the party in the minority. Yet I am going against that history in my prediction. So bad were the trump years that no amount of time will cleanse us of that filth. There are still remnants of that filth in power and it needs to be further eliminated. The republican party thinks they can color the progress we are about to begin with a narrative of lies and personal attacks. Well they won't be able to because the programs our democratic majorities are about to institute are going to be wildly popular and influential even among republican voters.
     Another reason is that our national policies toward protecting existing voter rights and expanding them is a high priority and will help to ensure that the republican party, who is bleeding members, does not dampen our democratic/independent turnout going forward. Our electorate is now aware of how important it is to vote and that will not change while republicans are still around to threaten our democracy and our pursuit of happiness. The focus of our democratic party is keen and we will not be caught out unaware much like in 2016 again. As well the older republican voters are dying off while the younger democratic voters are adding to our ranks.
     What also had been a detriment to our modernity was the leaving behind of rural voters. When you look at the election maps from the past you see how most all rural areas voted overwhelmingly for republicans. That is going to begin to reverse in that policies coming from the Biden administration will start to address their needs while republicans will show they are trying to stop those policies. The future is really bright for the liberal/progressive agenda because we can actually pass laws that reflect that. Joe Biden is right to say he wants to unite us because he is thinking about our electorate, not the divisive republican politicians who only have one goal and that is to regain power without doing anything for their or our constituents.

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