Monday, February 15, 2021

We must crush the republican party! (#4398)

      The only way out of this shit pile that republicans have laid upon our democracy is to do all we can to end their existence in our politics. The end of the legislative filibuster, passing any legislation with all democrats voting yes, even looking to pack the courts if the court, in a trial case with the courts current makeup, restricts our constitutional duty to majority rule. I am tired of the narrative being held by republicans with just threats. We democrats need to not threaten but to actually perform! Performing means getting on the same page and ramming our agenda through like our electorate showed we wanted and republicans displayed in the impeachment trial they cannot be trusted to be good faith partners.
     There is no more illusion nor excuses left for the dying republican party so we democrats need to send the stake of death through the heart of their flailing decrepit embodiment. I have no time left for their insults nor their false braggadocio. They are a grouping of nothings who have nothing as a solution. There time for being of any use is not anymore! I cannot keep saying in different words how completely useless they are and I have no more time left for telling us democrats that the time for their burial is past due. Let us get to the same point in time and harden our hearts and minds to block their road to devastation.
     I thought I could get some rest after this last election cycle but it seems that the death throes of the republican party are a never ending exasperation. So back to attacking their existence every day that I draw breath. We are in a better place than we were before November 2020 but not by the much more that we need. I am serious here that we democrats have got to gird ourselves with the sword of justice while showing no mercy to the followers who would only poison our democracy with their existence. The time for them has passed and to our great misfortune they should never of had time in our places of honor. Join me and keep the vigil to end their rule in our nation by advocating to all that they must never have power again.

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