Thursday, February 18, 2021

The republican illusion is shattering (#4401)

      With the trump experience behind us and the exposure he gave set us up to see with our own eyes the ineptitude and indifference republicans have toward us we are now getting another painful view. The privatization of the electrical grid in Texas and the failure it is exhibiting again confirms the selfish nature of deregulation. The republican party is all about deregulating because it helps the wealthy make even more money off the backs of the working middle poor class. The republican mantra of big government is bad for all of us is once again exposed as an illusion for their real purpose to deny equality and fairness to the American people, while enriching the wealthy even more.
     Even more telling is the Texas governor coming out right off the bat and blaming the green new deal, which is not a thing yet as anything other than a hoped for policy. The republican party is all about blaming anything and everything else instead of their own illogic and corruption. Then you have guys like Texas senator ted cruz who now has snuck off to Mexico for a vacation while millions of his Texas constituents are suffering with no power, water, shelter and food. The republican party is nothing more than a cabal of individuals who do not want to serve as good stewards of our nation but would rather serve themselves at the expense of the under privileged.
     The evidence keeps mounting as to their cruel and brutal agenda in the name of liberty, and their results are where we get the evidence. It would be comical their claims of knowing what they are doing if it weren't so deadly to those whom they are supposed to represent. The republican party is a hot mess of stupidity and no one who is a leader of the republican party has any idea how not to be. It is because they do not put the American electorate and our needs as a priority not even a consideration. The fact that this is clearly becoming visible for all to see is a good omen for those of us who want to expand our democratic leadership in the 2022 elections.

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