Monday, February 1, 2021

The end of bipartisanship that never really existed (#4384)

      My whole adult life has been devoid of bipartisanship. Seriously, how can anyone with a straight face say that bipartisanship is dying when it died back with the Eisenhower administration. Now there have been small bipartisanship successes but not on whole. So if people are hoping for bipartisanship they have a bag full of nothing coming! We saw that with the Obama administration when the republicans did nothing to help during a recession they caused. We are seeing it again during a pandemic that republicans allowed to grow into a nearly democracy ending reality. All through the years from the Kennedy administration to now republicans have had only one goal, to get power and never let it go.
     If there is one policy that can be attributed to republicans it is tax cuts for the wealthy. That's it! Of course they have other policies they work on but they deal with ending regulations and shrinking government. Which is just another track to reducing costs for the wealthy. Everything else in society is a nonstarter with republicans to get accomplished. So the idea that we need bipartisanship in order to govern is a failed lie that has long outlived it's long ago death. I cannot get my head around, anyone who would see the need to sabotage, what would be good for the American electorate is forcing necessary policies to pass through the republican lens.
     What we democrats need to do is respond to the needs of the American electorate, not to idealogues who are now inhabiting seats of government. To bypass the obstruction in Congress we need to go directly to the voters. One group of folks that need immediate conversation is the rural group. These folks have been long ignored and their way of life to prosper has been eroding for generations. I know we had obvious urban and suburban problems to fix but we should not exclude the rural part of our nation. They need the help we democrats can bring and when we do we will reengage them into politics outside the kneejerk hatred of democrats in general. Despite the fact that republicans do little for them we democrats have been doing nothing. That has to change!

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