Saturday, February 20, 2021

Nice quiet morning (#4403)

      Since Joe Biden defeated trump in the election my mornings have been noticeably quieter. There is no angst over how many tweets trump published that were cause for concern. Joe doesn't do that! Instead he is busy formulating policies and then introducing them through the traditional method of press conferences and town hall meetings. I don't wake up in the morning wondering if trump has launched nuclear missiles at one of our allies or if he has given the keys to our democracy to putin or un. The dull and mundane processes of identifying problems and creating solutions is back and for that I do sleep better and easier. I trust Joe and Kamala to have our backs while we recover from our national trump nightmare.
     When I look around me at the worst of what is going on in the world I don't see we here in America dominating the top ten problems anymore. Sure we have ongoing problems that need addressing but we are doing that and not making our problems worse. A calm has settled in on my psyche and I expect it has done the same for most of us Americans. I am not any less vigilant in my pursuit of greater democratic opportunities but at least I am not with my back to the wall as I do so. I keep thinking as I am sitting here how much better I feel and that the problems around me here where I live are now my greatest concern in the moment. Not so with trump as I couldn't even concentrate on my day to day life with him constantly provoking a national crisis.
     So instead I am here not worried about any particular subject because I know they are being addressed by decent caring intelligent folks and that is a welcome change. It was only 4 years that we had to put up with and defend against trump but it seems like it was a whole lifetime to how my bones ached. But now my muscles are relaxed and my bones are still and quiet. My psyche is also well rested from that angst that comes with the uncertainties of trump derangement. It has only been a month since Joe Biden became president yet it is like the memories of trump have faded and the ideal of a new beginning with great hope is upon us. Being at peace is a beautiful thing.

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