Friday, February 26, 2021

Enough, it is time to play hardball with senate republicans (#4409)

      If it isn't painfully obvious that republicans will not work with democrats on Joe Biden's mandate to pass some progressive policies then I don't know what else it will take. There is nothing left to gather for evidence that the republican party will pass no legislation aimed at helping the working middle poor class. So we democrats have got one option left that can succeed. We must blow up the legislative filibuster now and then pass our bills that can get the 50 votes plus Vice President Kamala Harris. This has always been the last gasp measure and now it is time to employ it.
     For one thing the legislative filibuster is an archaic rule that is a holdover from a time when dividing race was used as it's purpose. No real benefit of it is apparent in this time as it is only a tool that the minority uses to thwart the will of the people. If we democrats do not eliminate the legislative filibuster the we will lose the coming midterm election in 2022 and then the general election in 2024. The time is now for getting our agenda passed through Congress and eliminating the legislative filibuster is our last hope. There is no policy that we democrats have that will get at least 10 republicans to sign onto in the senate because they know that if they defeat our policies in Congress the American people will hold us responsible, not them.
     Those democrats who oppose eliminating the legislative filibuster need to have their worlds shaken by we citizens. If they do not vote to end the legislative filibuster then we might as well put such a hurt on them that they feel the weight of their betrayal to our democratic mandate. We are going to lose the senate and house in 2 years anyway without eliminating the legislative filibuster so punishing a couple of senators now is no loss. I am sick and tired of some within the democratic party who cannot fight like our lives depend on it because our lives do depend on it. So if they won't fight for us then we will fight to get them out of our party and then let the republicans destroy what is left of our democracy. Because they will do it anyway if we don't eliminate the legislative filibuster!

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