Sunday, July 3, 2022

(#4900) We need to protect ourselves from republicans

      A lot of chatter and upset democratic voters on how we are not getting much done on too many issues. I get it, it is frustrating to say the least and maddening to say the most. Yet there is a solution to this, elect more democrats, Well too many of you are complaining that democrats can't get anything done even with a majority in both houses of Congress and a democratic president. That is true about the numbers but it does leave out a critical reality that we democrats have encountered. Two of our democratic senators of the 50 we have are not going to end the filibuster for anything other than their previous allowance for the debt ceiling exemption. Go figure because I am at loggerheads in trying to understand the logic of their thinking.
     So in essence we democrats cannot pass anything in the senate because of the filibuster rule that says that it takes 60 votes to bring a bill forward for debate and after that it only takes 50 votes to pass the bill from there. So we get a good bill passed in the house and it dies in the senate because 10 republicans won't vote for it to debate. Now if we could get rid of the filibuster rule and make it a 50 vote threshold for a bill to reach the senate for debate then we could get everything done. But democrats manchin and sineam are against changing the rule. So what to do about that? Well, we have an election coming up where there are a lot of republican senate seats up for election. We need to win at least 2 of those in order to have enough senators to eliminate the filibuster rule for the next Congress.
     So when we hold the house and add to the senate, 2023 and 2024 will be years where we pass an enormous amount of legislation concerning our most pressing problems. If not then we are stuck with no action for the rest of President Biden's term. Now ask yourself who is causing us to need legislation to protect our democracy? It is the republican party so voting for them is like pouring more gasoline on the fire at your feet. So instead of complaining that democrats aren't getting enough done let us instead vote for more democrats to overcome manchin/sinema and start to realize the America where we are most proud to live. The election is just 4 months away so do everything in your power to vote for every democrat on the ballot and help the overall cause in anyway that you can. We can do this now that we know what we must do, not complain, but put to action our purpose!

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