Monday, July 4, 2022

(#4901) Everything in life would be simpler and easier if we just get rid of republicans!

      It is the republican party that is denying rights that were already given to us in the past. It is the republican party behind the scenes creating problems that they later blame on democrats for not solving. It is the republican party that is voting against any common sense solution to the problems they created. It is the republican party that has it's fingers all over the insurrection at our national capitol. It is the republican party that is about to criminalize birth control and same sex marriage. It is the republican party that wants 10 year old children to be forced to bear the child from an incestial rape.
     It is the republican party that has no plan to stop mass shootings at schools except to offer thoughts and prayers. It is the republican party that wants to criminalize cross state movement of women who are pregnant. It is the republican party that wants all of us to have to accept and pray to a god of their choosing. It is the republican party that wants to end Social Security that is vital to protecting the golden years of seniors. It is the republican party that wants to end Medicare/Medicaid because they don't see why anyone should be allowed to pay less than market value for goods and services. It is the republican party that has no lie filter as to what it will say to get your vote.
     It is the republican party that has perpetuated a war between social status, gender, and racial differences. The republican party is a cancer on the body politic. They have but one purpose on Earth, to deceive and manipulate the electorate so that we undo our democracy. The disinformation that comes out of their strategies is typical of tyranny and the debasement of others. Somewhere along the line we have to find the will to protect our democracy from within. We have done it well from without but from within we are not so adept. We will lose our democracy in the next few years if we don't stop voting for the republican party. They only want power and control over us and the question right now is are you willing to let them take it from you?

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