Monday, July 18, 2022

(#4915) About 8 hours left of the facebook 3 day suspension.

     "Like trump, Russians are liars." This little statement got me a 3 day suspension for being what facebook calls hate speech. Well I would show facebook what hate speech really looks like but then again they would just ban me for the next length of time in their tyrannical punishment guide book. So I won't but let me say that calling someone a liar is not hate, it is in fact an agent noun derived from the verb lie, to be disputed or not. I can back up my statement at any time but facebook says that my right to appeal is just imaginary since they have no one to look at my appeal. So imaginary correct facebook? Or meta, what ever you call yourself?
     So I languish in my non commenting or posting prison waiting for the 72 hours to go by so that then I can try to continue posting and commenting without being in violation of illogical rules manufactured by facebook without any appeal afforded for their misunderstanding or worse their abusive power over some who doesn't think like them. However it ended up I am still confused as to their intent. I guess I will have to get more imaginative in my descriptors and nouns as applied. It is like facebook is forcing us to talk in code for us to speak the truth. However, I am now a firm advocate for removing facebook from private ownership and allowing it to be a public utility. At least the government has an understanding of free speech and what isn't free speech.
     As well the government understands due process which allows us an appeal that will actually be heard unlike facebook. Back to my liar comment being hate speech. If I had used the term untruthful, would that still have violated the hate speech interpretation of facebook? Well they define the same thing and nowhere in the dictionary does liar connote hate. It is a statement of fact or non fact, not an emotional attack on someone. Just a fact to be disputed or accepted. So by this evening I will be back on facebook and then posting the last 3 blog posts I have written that could not be posted to facebook, then waiting to see if they violate facebook's continuing illogical suspension edicts!

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