Sunday, July 24, 2022

(#4921) Fuck around and find out Russia!

      Too many things are going against Russia and they can't believe it. They thought they could just parade walk into Ukraine and the whole country would just bow down before them. Their ego inflated high minded thoughts of themselves as rulers of Eastern Europe were subsequently demolished along with their pride, treasure and blood. The Ukrainian people not only did not bow down to them or take a knee with a by your leave, instead they attacked them. The Ukrainian people said fuck you Russia and began defending themselves with a ferocity that was stunning and effective.
     The Russians were taken aback, and in the interim, have been steadily slaughtered for their efforts. Russia is a big country so they had resources to absorb those initial losses but the losses keep mounting so now the Russia brain trust such as it is has reached a reflection point. The Russians still have minimal control over the occupied Ukrainian provinces but not for much longer as the Ukrainian counter offensive is building and advancing. It won't be long before Russia has to retreat like they did when they tried to take Kyiv. As the losses mount for Russia on the illegal invasion battlefield, they are also facing stiff, effective and unrelenting sanctions at home.
     The west, which for now is expanding to include countries that had previously been neutral, is committed to helping Ukraine defend themselves and Russia has few allies who are willing to fight alongside them. It is a completely different vision putin is seeing now instead of the one where he is heralded at victory parades. There will be no victory parades for putin. The only thing putin will get is his deserves and those deserves are going to cost him dearly. As to Russia and what happens to them, that will depend on the mercy of the Ukrainians and from what I see after the too many war crimes committed against them their quota of mercy towards the Russians is practically non existent.

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