Wednesday, July 13, 2022

(#4910) Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine

      Ukraine! The little engine that could. Russia, the big engine, so we thought, that couldn't. Over this next little bit of time Ukraine will show the world just how much putin underestimated them. Nothing about the murderous invasion putin threw at Ukraine has been a positive for Russia. Russia thought they would walk into Ukraine with bluster and take the country in a matter of days. Well they were not able to do that at all and instead have found themselves stuck in a 5 month long quagmire of their own doing. Ukraine for their part never gave up on themselves.
     They stuck their middle finger in the air and told Russia to go fuck themselves. Not only that they have been destroying so much of the Russian army that about 40% of Russia's fighting force has been disabled. The fact that putin is now letting prisoners out of jail in order for them to go to Ukraine and fight tells you just how hard up putin is to get soldiers for his despicable invasion of Ukraine. As putin has no real troop rotations to keep his troops fresh, they are getting routed by a Ukrainian force that is freshly rotated. Plus new weapons from the western countries are proving to being pivotal in suppressing any advance by Russia from their initial gains at the beginning of this murderous invasion.
     I cannot say enough about how the psychopathy of putin to kill at a whim, just so that he can fulfill some ego driven dynastic dream that is more hellish than possible, is the worst of what a human can do. Which is why at this current time a resurgent Ukrainian army is counter attacking to not only rebuff the Russian forces but to force them out off every inch of Ukrainian soil. No, there is no negotiating with putin to give him concessions. There is only the point of a bayonet and the screaming round of bullets and missiles to offer putin. His army will be driven from the Ukrainian homeland and putin himself will face his benefactors with little to show for his efforts. 

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