Saturday, July 16, 2022

(#4913) Free speech under attack on facebook

      Facebook seems to think that their definition of free speech can overrule constitutional protections for free speech. Not only do they think they can but are doing so. I had two comments so far that used the words cowards and liars in describing the actions of Russians in Ukraine and both times I was restricted on facebook for "hate" speech. Well describing the actions of the Russians is not hate speech is is describing their actions. If they are cowards and or liars then calling them that is what they are in my opinion whether you agree with me or not that isn't the point
     The point is that their actions are in my view cowardly and full of lies. If facebook wants to punish me for, in both cases otherwise accurately described, administering hate speech then they need to explain it so that we all understand their logic. Yet they don't explain it they just claim it. Now under normal circumstances I would be able to discuss this with them but they are not allowing a discussion. It is as if their decision, once given, is law. Which is another violation of my right to due process. So my right to accurately define a group of people for their actions which are in any light indisputable, is taken from me. Then my right to file a grievance for the taking of my right is also denied.
     That is not democracy. That is not liberty. That is not fair nor equitable. What it is is tyrannical. I cannot express the truth of the Russian action nor can I dispute facebook for it's claim that I used hate speech. My comment is not about hate it is about defining an action the Russians made. There is no hate there there is only definition. Both coward and liar are in the dictionary as words that have specific meanings. That is what I did, not hate on them  Russians for their actions. That is an emotion to the definitions that facebook attached to my intent. I would have used the words to describe hate if I had wanted that conveyed. Facebook has overstepped its bounds on my liberties and for that they are in need of a liability investigation of their practices and procedures.

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