Sunday, July 31, 2022

(#4928) Mask up, social distance, and avoid large crowds in rooms

      This is not the time to let your guard down. Too many of us are of the opinion that Covid has run it's course and with inoculations we are immune to infection. None of it is true! We can be infected with full inoculations. Covid has not run its course it is just mutating into stronger more virulent strains. So keep your mask handy when traveling outside your safety zones and also be aware that too many have not even been inoculated to begin with. Their stubborn stance of remaining unvaccinated is more harm to others who come into contact with them if they are asymptomatic.
     I know this much and that is if I want to stay as healthy as possible I had better not rely on others to protect me. I need to take my own protections and apply them to everyone else. I am also of the mind that if I don't need to be anywhere then I am not going anywhere. If I do have to do anything outside my yard and home then it is on me to protect myself as best I can. I did have a coffee date a few days ago but both of us wore masks both inside and outside. While keeping our distance from others. We both survived that without contracting Covid and for that I am grateful. But  no more dates of any kind until this Covid epidemic has finally come under control.
     I know that sounds harsh but what is even harsher is contracting Covid and then having to live with whatever damage it does. I can wait for a better time that has more control of Covid. There are going to be more inoculations available for this new strain in late August or early September and as soon as I can I will be getting my shot. I trust our science to lead on this and not the superstitions of ignorance. Some may have survived so far without inoculations but they are few and are only getting closer to paying a price for their stubborn behavior. Life will be better in the future once we tackle this Covid epidemic so in the meantime buckle up and make sure you are there when it does.

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