Friday, July 8, 2022

(#4905) Russian moral is low and they are running out of experienced fighters

      As with any nation that starts a war, their people are usually behind them. Yet in this case where the invasive war is against a nation of family and associates, it is more difficult to inspire the forces. The illegal invasion of Ukraine has Russia on the wrong foot since it cannot intelligently dignify any common sense reason for the invasion in the first place. Not only that but when putin first started his campaign of genocide on the Ukrainian population he said triumphantly that it would be over in a matter of days or a few weeks. Well that did not go as planned and since then he has been shuffling off a strategy that taking the Donbas region and Crimea is the real goal.
     That in itself should have and did cause some pause from the Russian citizenry but only for a moment. It appears that putin was given the benefit of the doubt since no real strong uprising against him has emerged. Yet now with the Donbas region and Crimea pretty much controlled by Russia you would think that putin would be making declarations that the job is done and it is time to end the invasion. But no, because although Russia has control over those areas, it is a loosely gripped control. The Ukrainian army and partisan fighters have been strategically acquiescing control to Russia in order to regroup and attack the Donbas region and Crimea.
     So quietly putin is trying to reinforce his man power for the invasion and is not admitting publicly that he needs more troops. However privately he is scouring every corner of Russia for fighting age men. We are in the 5th month of this invasion and the mighty Russian army has only managed to barely hold the partisan areas that were more easily attained. He could not get what he wanted in Kyiv. Now that Ukraine is better situated with offensive weapons expect those Russian gains to be reversed and Russia chased out of Ukraine with no gains and huge amounts of loss in blood and treasure.

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