Saturday, July 30, 2022

(#4927) Congressional democrats are leading republicans in the latest poll

 According to the Hill,, democrats lead the republicans today by 4 percent points, 44-40, 16% undecided. The Senate is looking like not only a hold for democrats but a gain as well. My hope is for at least 3 but more confidently than ever I hope for 6 seats to be gained. In the House now it appears that not only can we hold it but we can add a few more seats. What traditionally is a pickup election for the party out of power, republicans, is not evolving. Surely it has a lot to do with their non care for the working middle poor class but as well their attempt to overthrow our government.
     Yet as you can see there are still die hard republican voters who don't mind all the horribleness coming from republicans as they are so in deep to republican rhetoric and the false narratives that make it up that they are unable to think and act rationally. So it is the 16% that is undecided that we have to bring home our factual case. We can do this as the difference between the two party's is stark! We democrats are working to make life easier and more opportunistic for the whole of our citizenry while republicans are doing the opposite, trying to make life harder for everyone except the wealthy. Well there are far fewer wealthy in that 16% undecided group so the advantage is ours in the democratic party.
     I had always felt in my gut that the differences between democrats and republicans was clear and understandable. Well it seems that my gut is like a lot of other guts out there so as we are 101 days from the election the trend line is in our favor. We will see even more trends our way as the economy supply chain issues become less a problem and the price of of goods and services keep lowering. We will also see more winds in our democratic sails as the January 6th committee continues to expose the dereliction of duty and master minding by the trump administration with many in congress as conspirators of the insurrection coup. This traditional off year election will be nothing like the historical past!

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