Monday, July 25, 2022

(#4922) The importance of the November national election

      It isn't just the national leaders we are most worried about. the state elections along with the federal offices are just as crucial. The republican party controls 29 state legislatures and if they get 5 more they will have control of 2/3rds of the states legislatures needed to force a constitutional crisis. Yes, the republican party can do that at the state level. Changing our constitution requires 2/3rds of the state legislatures to get that done. Now it has never been done before but that won't stop republicans from doing what they want with a supreme court on their side.
     What needs to happen is simple, we democrats need to vote like our lives are at stake. Because if we don't the steady republican vote will defeat our low turnout vote by enough to secure republicans the extra control they would need to do their worst to our democracy. So if any are thinking they can take this election off they are only fooling themselves. If anything, this election is the most important election of our time as it has worked out. Getting Biden and democrats into position of power was crucial, and at that time the most important thing to accomplish, but now with the insurrectionist republican party poised to turn our lives into servants for trump like people there is no doubt that now is the time for all of us to act.
     I will be calling out daily on this subject as well as the treason of trumps along with the Ukraine fight for democracy over the next 106 days before the election. There can be nothing left on the table when it comes to me on the subject of saving our democracy through criminal prosecutions and voting. Nothing in the world is more important to our nation than exposing the strategy of republicans who are hell bent to take away rights without taking them away from themselves. The other consequence they face are their crimes and for that there can be no mercy. They must be made to pay dearly for their attempts to dishonor our nation's capitol and our transfer of power protocols along with their nefarious secretive plan to overthrow our government.

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