Sunday, July 17, 2022

(#4914) Another day being penalized by facebook for telling the truth!

      It is absurd that facebook has the power to stop anyone from posting without an appeal process. They say they have one but won't use it with excuses like we don't have enough people to fill the post of arbiter. Well hire them or move other people there if you are going to say you have the due process appeal. So don't lie about it by saying you have it but can't use it. Speaking of lying, I was given a three day suspension, which I am halfway through serving at this moment, for saying "like trump, the Russians are liars." Well they are both liars and if facebook cannot face that and instead say that I am communicating "hate speech", then fuck you facebook for being a liar along with trump and Russians!
     I was also given a one day suspension last week which facebook said I could appeal but that I couldn't appeal, again lying about due process, when I called the Russians cowards! Well they are cowards when they illegally invade another country and then instead of fighting that invading country with their troops they instead willy nilly bomb the hell out of everyone, children in schools, old folks in nursing homes and the wounded and sick in hospitals. Is there another word that I should have used to describe their cowardly behavior? Well facebook, is there? Or are you being cowards by not confronting the truth of what I have just said?
     It is almost like facebook has singled me out, along with others, who are just describing what we are seeing and hearing as fact. Yet facebook doesn't want us to by labeling it hate speech. Well hate speech is like calling someone an intentionally abusive pejorative, not describing their actions on a factual basis. So being held hostage by a facebook scheme that is not rooted in logic nor law is my fate for now. However, I have complained to my US house representative, one of my US senators, and the FCC for violating my first amendment right to free speech. I am as always expressing my opinion but even more so as a private citizen, my opinion is correct and facebook is stopping me from describing it. Shame on facebook and now I am an advocate for making facebook a public utility and not a private one where rights of citizens are trampled and discarded without due process!

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