Friday, July 29, 2022

(#4926) The era of the tyrant is over

      With the advent of the Internet our world has gotten much closer to reality. I know it seems like the opposite too much of the time but in truth we are all better off having information at our finger tips. Like now with so many things seeming to be stressful like the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, a clarity as well comes with it. The importance of life on earth starts to sink in with many as they realize their their previous concerns were much about nothing.  A prioritization takes place under stressful circumstances and having information that is right at our fingertips is amazing.
     People like putin and xi are not long for this world as leaders because the ordinary person can now see what others are doing in their societies and can compare it with theirs. One thing I know for a fact is that the human species is not a docile one. We are constantly evolving into something better that will win the day against those who promote our worst natures. Such as tyrants who squander the lives of their ruled as if it was like washing dirt off their hands. As long as we can keep the internet available for all, the change to a more democratic form of government is inevitable.
     Soon the tyrant putin will no longer be with us and the fate of xi is now coming into focus. Both have relied on the tyrannical method of rule and for that they have few who would die for them. They may fight but not with a glad heart. Which is why if xi decides to provoke we the western world with their putin like attempt to takeover Taiwan, they will find the same fate putin is finding as he nears his dead man walking finale. The other littler tyrants in the world like un and assad will quickly be folded into history when putin and xi get their due. The era of a peaceful world is at our threshold, we just need to clear the path for it to come in.

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