Wednesday, July 6, 2022

(#4903) We democrats question everything because we care about all of us!

      I started this blog to advance my philosophical take of human nature. It is my position that we humans have two main instincts that dominate our pure form. With a third instinct of survival as a corollary to both the main two. Both, care and wonder, are who we are. Sure there are other instincts that we have developed when we deny our main instincts but those often lead to worsening outcomes in our lives. So I try my best to stay with who I began as. I was a new person when I started out and as such was filled like most all new persons with an innocence that was complete and unwavering. However time, circumstance and the rigmarole of events, too many not in a good way, changed that for me.
     I became more cynical of practices and people. Especially those practices I had no control over and the people who followed along mostly unaware of their doings. Yet, I found a way to make sense of things after some time and then began to incorporate the care and wonder back into my life in substantial ways. I removed myself from the areas that were incoherent and chaotic. The reason being is that incomprehension was causing me more problems that living in solutions. I like solutions when they are proper and correct and disdain illogic wherever and whenever I am around it. Life is not an eternal existence. It is short and afflicted with an aging process.
     So knowing my limitations and advantages, I live for the present and future in order to keep a semblance of peace in my soul. Because when I am living in care and wonder, those around me are happily affected by that. Even typing this out into the ether is a positive as opposed to nothing or a negative. I have aligned myself with the democratic party because it is more in tune with our true natures. We democrats want the best for all of us. We want to help where we can and not be an obstacle where we shouldn't be. There is no other political party that has what we democrats have. Our natures are to be of good service to all and to confront the wrongdoing, with justice, because we question the motive, opportunity, and intent of those who cannot find their better natures.

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