Saturday, April 27, 2024

(#5564) Efficient Ukrainian counter attacks are working to keep Russia from advancing until the US aid arrives

      The idea that everything will be fine once the US aid arrives for Ukraine is false. Right now since the US aid was delayed so long the Russian forces have taken advantage of the republican obstruction of needed Ukrainian aid to overwhelm many positions that Ukraine previously held. So getting the aid as quick as possible is necessary for Ukraine to begin again to defend itself from Russia. The problem is that although the aid was finally allowed by republicans, Ukraine has barely been able to sustain itself on the battlefield. Russian quick advances due to weapons shortages on the part of Ukraine gave Russia strategic advantages it is now utilizing.
     However, there has been one silver lining in this scenario. Ukraine has been the more complex military adversary between the aggressor Russia and the defender Ukraine. Although Russia has a massive armament and personnel advantage they are not quick on their feet to analyze and reason efficient usage of their advantages. Whereas Ukraine, although a much smaller military force is quick on their feet to adapt to strategies that work to undermine the Russian advantage. Russia seems to think like an old time warrior in the throw everything at the obstacles style of fighting to secure land, unlike Ukraine who uses tactical advantages and creative weapons to defend and counter attack.
     When Russia runs their troops headlong into fire they are not worried because they know that Ukraine is going to run out of ammunition and they will still have troops left to eventually take the position. Ukraine is not like that! They don't treat their men and women like disposable beings. Instead Ukraine attacks Russia where the weapons are stockpiled or built. Taking weapons off the battlefield helps Ukraine lessen and delay the attack that Russia is desperately trying to inflict on them. By stalling and lessening attacks right now Ukraine is buying time for them to be reinforced through the US aid that will then help them to eventually defeat the Russians and put them back across to their own borders.

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