Saturday, April 20, 2024

(#5557) Finally, we are about to give the aid for Ukraine!

      When Dr. King said "The Arc of the Moral Universe is Long, But it Bends Toward Justice.” he was referring to the pace of change. It may take time but change will eventually arrive. This is the feeling I am experiencing with the Ukraine aid that has been long overdue. Not because of some obstacles outside our imaginations but because the republican party chose to play politics with life and death. The gamesmanship reserved for less lethal activities is now fair game to republicans. This is not an opinion, it is a fact. This aid should have been given our ally last December but no, leveraging life and death is/was more important to republicans than honor.
     Do not misinterpret me here. I am well happy that the arc of moral justice has arrived for Ukraine and the lift in my spirits is real. Yet the need for this aid was many months ago and since then many brave Ukrainian citizens have paid the ultimate price because of it's unnecessary delay. All the dithering and lack of concern for the high priority of protecting not only democracy but of protecting life has not forwarded anything positive. Now the lives lost and the territories lost because Ukraine could not defend and protect itself efficiently falls to the responsibility of republicans who played games while grave consequences befell Ukraine.
     Today the House will vote to supply the long promised aid to our allies who are fighting for their survival. It is a triumph of will over obstinance and we democrats may take our hard earned victory here and continue to uphold the virtues of democracy and the value of at least our word to never give up on our allies. The republican party is less so in both their word and their values but in this instance they did the correct thing and mostly aligned with democrats to keep the manifest destiny of our world toward democracy and the right of all human beings to equal and just pursuits of happiness.

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