Friday, April 5, 2024

(#5542) Doing the best we can do

      It doesn't matter what we do in life, doing it to the best of our ability does matter. On this planet and its current environment there are limits to what can be imagined. However, what we do within the limits we can imagine give us a purpose that keeps us on the edge of our senses and uplifts our motivation to beyond to where the unknown becomes possible to be known. In other words, when we put ourselves to task as best we can within our known existence is where we find the portal to the unknown. Our minds are like a vault waiting to be triggered by the correct combination. When we are in a strong harmony with ourselves through being the best of who we are is when we become in tune with beyond our knowing.
     Consider the unknown as a vibration we have yet to feel. Chaos and turmoil are not conducive to receiving the new vibrations that are awaiting us. Our Universe is our classroom and being attentive and in harmony, free from doubt and closed mindedness, is our structure for advancing. When I am the most open to learn is when I have put all my effort into not only knowing the present but in focusing my attention as best as possible toward the new I am learning or doing. I cannot imagine a magnificent future without mastering the present and past. All the things in life that are available to be discerned can help us to perceive even beyond what has already been thought. We are all unique and as such must now rely on ways to enhance our uniqueness.
     For me the best way to enhance my knowing is to be the best of who I am as much as possible. I am no robot so there are times when I fail to be my best but not because of intentional acts. If I am to be the amazing human being I am capable of being then doing my best as much as possible is my goal in life. For not only will I achieve some satisfaction for trying hard to do my best but it may well lead me to understanding the previously unknown that I hadn't even imagined yet. My mind is best suited to creating and innovating when it is stimulated to not only think rationally but to put action to a high standard of doing. Doing my best in all things will only allow me to become my best in the things I have yet to know and learn.

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