Tuesday, April 23, 2024

(#5560) Understanding human nature

      I find events in my life are ever changing requiring me to evaluate my environment on a nearly constant basis. Not that the foundation of my life is in play, but that some of the periphery is in need of adjustment. Our relationships and the behaviors they entail are the crux of the change. Not all of my relationships are built upon solid footings. Some are still in flux and need to be understood better before they become commonplace within my sphere of living. I am a particular man when it comes to who is in my life and who isn't allowed. I have a short life to live in the overall reality of the human timeline and as such will not waste the good I may advance on those who do not find it worthy.
     There is something more about me that is as best described as hard. I do not care to be surrounded by fools who have no purpose nor by those who have chosen to dismiss reality in favor of their own imaginations. I am my own man and therefore will proceed accordingly. Not all will like who I am but the man I am is not unworthy nor filled with ulterior motives. My tight grip on reality is in knowing that we humans are caring and curious. We strive for these two natures in the whole entirety of our living. Where we get off course is when we let our lesser instincts of ego and fear loose to satisfy themselves. I will not allow those, in my life, who are less than sincere in their efforts to make our world better through care and curiosity.
     Those who have motives beyond the honorable are quickly found out by me and are left away from me. It is how I deal with those who do not place themselves more as servants than they do as masters. Ego and fear are the playground of the undisciplined mind and although hopefully curable, I am not the one who has the antidote. I have spent far too much of my time trying to enlighten those who would not have knowledge so I have learned that I am not their savior, nor by enabling them, helpful. As I near the end of my timeline in existence I would rather be helpful to those who see the value in my help and are ready to accept it. I am always learning something new going forward and hopefully helping others do the same.

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