Sunday, April 21, 2024

(#5558) The gig is up for both putin and trump!

      With yesterday's vote in the House of Representatives to approve Ukrainian and other foreign aid both putin and trump were denied their last hope of taking over the world. This for me was a turning point where putin and trump were thwarted from their last chance to turn our world upside down. What happens to both of them over the coming near future is anybody's guess but it won't be anything they will be glad to have happen. Their gambit, to me, has failed and all that is left is the mopping up of their messes. With the Ukraine aid the momentum has now swung back to Ukraine and their fighting forces are now bolstered so much so that they will have even more impetus to reclaim their land and send Russia back to their own land.
     For putin, the new aid to Ukraine will destroy his plans of taking Ukraine and marching on into Europe with sheer overwhelming force. The defense Ukraine will be able to employ shortly will keep the Russian troops at bay until the counter offensive by Ukraine may be consolidated and employed to further rush putin and his minions out of Russian held Ukrainian territory. There are other problems now for putin and his underlings and the Russian people can also see the new barriers to putin's ambitions and the cost they will have on all of them. There is no loyalty in tyranny, only revenge, so expect putin to become even more reclusive in his concern for his own safety.
     That putin will be hiding out in his fear, trump will be even more exposed to the justice of his behaviors and actions. Criminality has been a trump trademark and his desire for a world dominated by criminals is about to come to an end. When he does finally see the writing on the wall and starts to plan his escape he may find that he has waited too long and will not be able to jump the ship of his just deserves. However, either way, caught to face his sentences or on the run to his diabolical associates. He and putin will both be marked men who have nothing left to interfere in as we the rest of the world build our futures together with democracy and rights of humans as our design.

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