Tuesday, April 9, 2024

(#5546) Why can't republican voters see the problem with republicanism?

      When you consider the voting to expand rights and privileges to citizens in red states it makes you wonder why those same voting citizens in those states keep supporting republican candidates. The expansion of rights and privileges are not coming from the republican party they are coming from the democratic base in those red states. So why is it that the citizens who support those democratic ballot initiatives keep voting against the democratic candidates that support those popular policies? It is a question that needs to be answered as soon as possible with the next major election slated for this November.
     Confusion about who supports what may be the problem and likely is in some cases but what else is at play? Is it a deep down hard hatred of democratic policies that current republican voters find offensive? That could be as well some of the answer. Or is it a loyalty to the republican party that has deep roots and despite the incongruence between what they want and what they cherish has left them still automatically voting for republican politicians? That as well would be likely. It just seems to me that the complexity of trying to understand what is the better and best of us shouldn't be a conflict. We should all vote for our candidates based upon what they will do for us and our nation. Not to indiscriminately punish or over past hatred.
     The current republican party is counting on their base voters not to see that they are working to end democracy and instead install an autocracy where a strongman will lead without having to run for any future election. A king if you will. The republican party has reduced itself to only wanting to ease the tax burden for the wealthy and stimulate policies that harm our environment. Those who are wealthy may see the benefit of their wallets getting even bigger but the rest of us are paying for it by having less resources to share amongst ourselves. There are many reasons not to vote for republicans and many reasons to vote for democrats. When we all get on this same page is when the magic of America can begin to reflect to all of life on this planet that America is the bastion of all that is good and great about our existence.

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