Tuesday, April 30, 2024

(#5567) Do what it takes to pursue your happiness

      When I pursue my happiness it is not about others, it is about me. There are few things in existence that I put above all of us but one of them is my happiness. It just so happens that doing for many others is a happiness to me and that is going great. But occasionally I am left with the knowledge that me personally is the subject of my happiness and it must be addressed. It is rare for me to want to change major things in my life to support my happiness but currently I am in one of those rare occasions. I have left what was a happy life down in Sacramento for a much more happy life here in the Seattle area.
     I am an older man so changing is not only difficult given generally set ways but as well physically and emotionally with the real upheaval of property and leaving behind dear friends. Yet weighing all that, has left me with a contentment that moving forward toward a greater happiness is well worth the change. Like all things in one's life there is some remorse at leaving behind what was once agreeable to something even more agreeable. But the future has a greater prospect at making me happy beyond anything I have previously experienced. So even at an older age I find that my path is well placed here where my future is about to get a fulfillment unlike I have ever had.
     It may seem tiresome and tedious to start all over again but I look at it this way. I have insightful memories to remind me that life is short and living life to a level of experiencing happiness in greater ways is more important than regrets at not having tried. I am no expert at understanding life but I do know that pursuing happiness is a great ambition and every now and then actually finding happiness is of much more value than not. So whatever it takes to have a greater happiness cross our paths is worth more than any safe harbor or satisfying way of life that is only an acceptable happiness. My opinion anyway because I again say that life is short and living it to our best hopes is more my take on it.

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