Wednesday, May 1, 2024

(#5568) Women, claim your equality!

      If ever there were a way for women to show the world that you are equal to men then this coming election will be it! In the republican party women are not seen as equal but as subservient. Why do I say that? Simple, because women are not allowed an equal rights amendment to our constitution claiming it as so. Who is stopping women from having an equal rights amendment? The republican party! Another obvious example is recent downfall of Roe v. Wade where women were previously given the right of deciding the best course for their own bodies. The republican party undid Roe which now denies women their individual right to define their own futures that men have always enjoyed.
     There are many more examples like unequal pay for equal work, domestic violence both in and outside of marriage, etc.. If women are ever going to break the yoke that too many republican men seem happy to keep around their necks then this coming election will be it. We democrats would be thrilled to have all women join us to finally make laws that codify that women are free human beings capable of not only controlling their own bodily functions but of legislating and leading our world into a more peaceful era. We democrats urge all women to seize this moment in time to vote for the men and women running as democratic candidates on every ballot so that the obstruction women are currently under to improve their lives will disappear.
     I have talked endlessly about how the republican party is one of division and control. Well I need to spend more time in talking about how we democrats are not only champions of women's issues but of issues surrounding all genders. We democrats see the life of every human being as equally important. There is no divisiveness in our approach to leading our species into a better future. We democrats want the best for all of us to be happy in our societies and content while also being our individual selves. This hope expressed in this blog post will come true for all of us when we all decide that our future is together under the democratic party vision of equality. Vote democrat this coming November 5th!

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