Monday, May 27, 2024

(#5594) Quit restricting Ukrainian aid from being used by Ukraine in Russia!

      How many more brave Ukrainian citizens and soldiers must die before the western aid delivered by Ukraine's allies is allowed to be used to attack the aggressor nation of Russia? The west has limited the usage of their aid packages to attacking Russia on Ukrainian soil but not on Russian soil. Russia knows this and as a tactic amasses troops and equipment just inside their own border at the Ukrainian border in order to mount attacks into Ukraine. By being able to do this Russia is at an advantage in offensive activity to further take Ukrainian land.
     With Ukraine restricted from using the effective aid from the west to eliminate these staging bases inside Russian territory Ukraine is at the mercy of Russian aggression. The western leaders need to stop telling Ukraine how to fight to save their democracy and let Ukraine make those decisions. We in the west should only be advising not dictating! Ukraine wants to Thwart Russian supply and command positions but for now must allow Russia to remain where they are in their border staging grounds. If Ukraine is allowed to use the aid the way they would like the Russian threats at their border would be eliminated and Russian supply lines and command centers disrupted.
     In that case the Russian threat to Ukraine would be lessened and allow for Ukraine to begin their own offensive to remove the Russian horde from their borders. We in the west need to stop telling Ukraine how to fight to survive and let Ukraine show us how they fight to survive. I hope the western leaders come to this same conclusion quickly so Ukrainians who will be victims of this current Russian advantage are not eliminated from life. Russia attacked Ukraine, not the other way around. So let Ukraine not only defend itself from further incursions by Russia onto its territory but also to allow Ukraine to fight back into Russia where threatening military targets are needed to be eliminated.

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