Wednesday, May 15, 2024

(#5582) The reckoning is coming for trump and putin!

      Most of us watched the insurrection allowed by trump back in January 2020. Most of us are watching the invasion by putin of the peaceful democratic nation Of Ukraine since February 2022. Both trump and putin have moved boldly into criminal and immoral activity with the expectation that they are both above the law. As fate would have it over the last few years it seems that both had the luxury of being somewhat correct. Yet now that the trials of trump are playing out in real time and the verdicts are not really being contested, trump may well be about to have his legal deserves.
     As the invasion by putin into Ukraine is well into its 3rd year, It seems that the flawed teflon like coating that putin had with the world is also beginning to peel off. The aid to Ukraine is now coming fast and furious and nothing much left that putin can do will stop the momentum that Ukrainians are getting from the badly needed help. Russians are now searching the world for volunteers to join their meat waves of death in order to keep their self slaughtering tactic of leaving their blood in Ukraine. Nothing putin can do will win him this invasion of the mighty Ukrainian people. So his days are being numbered as we speak.
     I suspect that by the years end both trump and putin will no longer be roaming the Earth as free men. What that looks like in the end is up for imagination but suffice it to say they will no longer be the illusory power brokers they thought they were. Both horrible examples of human beings will soon see that their trust in being above the law was never a real thing. They both see themselves as gods in some demented form and although they both have followers who are less honorable than most they are a dwindling lot who are finding it harder to reconcile their support for either trump or putin. As their reckoning gets closer they are both showing signs of real fear that is now their deserved reality.

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