Sunday, May 26, 2024

(#5593) Whether family or friends, be there when it matters

     I give everyone a chance to be in my circle of friends, which is how I treat my family as well. No one soul is more deserving of being respected and honored as any other human being. Despite any contrivance like blood relation. I have felt love in my family from a few within it but certainly not all. For those who have remained within my circle of cared people the combination is more friends than family as it happens. My life is different than others so however that mix works in your life will happen as it will within your life. But for those who do make it within my circle there is nothing I won't do for them when their need is greater than their ability to provide it for themselves.
     Some souls, I wish the number were greater, just seem to have figured out that the only purpose in life is helping others have some of what we already have. Too many who will never be part of my circle live for themselves and the greed that they tell themselves they must have. They are not worthy of friendship where sacrifice is the way toward help because they themselves would rather mock sacrifice than actually enjoy the human element of giving it. I write in this blog that curiosity and compassion are what make up the natural instinct of the human species and though I try to live like this too many do not. So for those who do find themselves within this pure form of living they are the ones who I attract to in my life.
     As genuine and sincere these special people in my life are they are not devoid of tragedy that can happen at any time. Whether it be from some form of misadventure or medical problems the time we have with each other is precious and worthy of specific care when possible. Our love for each other in its forms must be valued beyond our own care for ourselves and this I don't have to explain. When one of us hurts we all hurt because we share more than commonality we share strength and vulnerability as well. Good people of good intent will always be better people when they are surrounded by the same. This is whom I am talking about and when one of us is fighting hard to keep that going we all need to rustle up our sleeves and join that fight.

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