Tuesday, May 28, 2024

(#5595) Critical thinking is what is lacking in Americans

      I say this because too often the disconnect between two thoughts are not being reconciled under logic. Whether classified as logical or illogical the process is less than utilized in American society. I cannot say why except to think education is failing us. Not enough emphasis is being placed upon critical thought, which is the ability to be objective in reasoning, analyzing, and concluding. This holds for both theory and fact. Coming to the best possible solution or conclusion regardless of our desires or wishes should be all of our objectives. What I know is that when I apply the pros and cons to a subject it either quickly or eventually becomes a clear path forward to a conclusion.
     I do not put my own spin on things to make the conclusions something they are not nor do I ignore the hard work they may demand. Logic is our future and only through logic will we continue to prosper and evolve as a society under democracy. The critical thinking it takes to get us to the proper logical formula is the problem at hand. Memorizing answers is part of learning, as well as being able to create thought about subjects that show our understanding. This is how I see it. When in school we would debate so my approach to a debate was to research both sides of the question and then be ready to respond to the other side through a knowledgeable understanding of their pros and cons.
     So that when the debate came to its conclusion I had asked and answered enough questions about the subject that I was able to think about how I felt about the debate question, not so much about who won the debate. My perspective was enhanced because I got to see answers and questions in both the same light. Thus making it easier for me to know how to rationalize a conclusion. We all must make more effort to hear each other in honest terms that are free from vitriol and ulterior motive. Not easy to do but when one can think critically we don't lose sight of the question and keep after it until we find a conclusion based upon the rules of logic.

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