Friday, May 31, 2024

(#5598) The use of western aid to destroy Russian targets in Russia is opening up

     It seems the impasse over whether to use western aid to destroy military targets inside Russian territory is being resolved. A lot of western countries have already told Ukraine that they may use the aid given to them by the west is allowed to be used as Ukraine sees fit. Now the big donor countries of aid are slowly following along. What does this mean to the defense and recapture of Ukrainian land? It means a tremendous amount to Ukraine as they are now able to strike inside Russian territory where the Russians have staged their depots and troop concentrations.
     By giving Ukraine the green light to attack inside Russian territory the Russians are now vulnerable to Ukrainian counteroffensive moves that will set the Russians back further into their own territory and make it more difficult if not impossible for them to mount any offensives of their own. As well the land they are currently occupying that is Ukrainian territory will become less secure and much easier for Ukraine to make strategic moves into and eventually retake. Along with the F-16's that are now arriving the Ukrainians are about to turn this invasion by Russia and putin around and make Russia fear for its own territorial losses.
     Ukraine will be satisfied with taking back its own territories but if the Russians are going to be pig headed about that then it is possible that Ukraine may need to take some border areas with Russia to help them build strong defensive lines against future Russian aggression. However the end result plays out the use of western aid by Ukraine to fight with both hands is critical for Ukraine to being able to end this putin invasion sooner than later. Russia had better rethink its present course because the Ukrainians are not happy and are more like a Wasps nest that has been attacked. They will not succumb to putin and if putin hasn't figured it out by now he is about to learn a hard painful lesson.

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