Tuesday, May 14, 2024

(#5581) Like Bowie sang, we can be heroes!

      We will only be heroes if we let our best emotions guide our common sense. We have it within us as human beings to be the better and best of what we would hope would happen to us. For me, I am not expecting others to come into my life to be a hero, but I do expect myself to go into others' lives and be a hero where and when possible. I am one of those old school type of guys who finds inner peace when I sacrifice for others. There is something cathartic to being above the give and take of life. I know that our societies currently exist to create profit and acquire things but that is not how I see living a happy life.
     My life is better spent in my heart than in my wallet. I do need to have a functioning life and that does require the give and take of capitalism but more than that is my attachment to our species and the other species we steward. I know also that it is hard to tell someone else to sacrifice when they are already under pressure from many fronts to have more. I have spent most of my life without much and seemed to figure out how to be happy and giving. It is a perspective more than a simple thought of sacrifice I would admit. I see a problem and by default I want to help with a solution.
     By being a hero I don't mean that anyone needs to save the world or anything like that large scale. But I do mean for us to do what we can to help the world toward a brighter future. Whether through animate or inanimate, our efforts should be such that our hearts are touched by a better outcome due to our involvement. When Bowie sang of being a hero even if for one day, I took that as a challenge to try to be a hero in some way every day. I don't always succeed but the purpose is to try and look for ways that make us heroes to someone in some way that makes a difference.

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