Friday, May 10, 2024

(#5577) Courage and bravery will always defeat tyranny!

      We have been shown the way. From our Revolutionary foreparents to our World War Two Grandparents, and all the failed attempts in between by tyrants, democracy has triumphed over tyranny! How is this possible? Well when you are willing to look your enemy long and hard in the eye and tell them that nothing will take your freedom away is how. Once you make your stand known then it is up to courage and bravery. The courage to do whatever it takes to stop those who would take your innate human right to self determination away from you and the bravery when needed to fight to maintain your freedom will defeat the fear that tyrants demand of their followers.
     To make it even simpler to understand let me phrase democracy a different way. Freedom is only secured through democracy. You cannot have freedom under tyranny because the tyrant will always extract from you anything and everything he pleases without justice or fairness as factors. Only under democracy can you keep and grow your freedom. No one in democracy has the right to demand from you anything and everything at their whim. Democracy is built upon the principle that no one is above another. Nor is no one beneath another. We are all in this equally together and through democracy we all oversee and care like we are stewards for each other.
     The battle now for the world's domination of rule is being fought out in Ukraine. The forces of good, those who believe, fight and die for democracy, are being attacked by the forces of evil who are represented by tyranny. There is no individual freedom under tyranny. There is no liberty to pursue happiness unless it is given by the tyrant. No facet of life is free when someone else is the master of your fate. Only under democracy may we all pursue our happiness without a "by your leave" from some egoist tyrant who thinks himself above all others. This battle for democracy is happening right now in Ukraine so keep your wits about you and your courage and bravery at the ready!

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