Monday, May 13, 2024

(#5580) Russia will never take Ukraine!

     Those who are still supporting the tyrant putin need to know this now. Ukraine will not be overrun by Russian forces not will they barter their land away. The failed attempt by putin back on February 24, 2022 to bully Ukraine into submission has no victory for putin. Ukraine will fight to the last person with all they have before any surrendering of its sovereignty. With the help of NATO and other western allies the battle for Ukraine is much bigger than Russia can endure. That the powers that are underpinning putin have not acted to stop the circling of the drain of Russian resources is baffling.
     Much like the maga movement here in the US it is difficult to explain the cult like rapture that they have with trump much like the kremlin has with putin. 1,740 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine yesterday. I cannot fathom how that is even possible but knowing how Russia and putin discard their soldiers like scrap paper it is not a surprise. What is a surprise to me though is the Russian people not taking to the streets to demand of putin to bring their children back to them. Are the fathers and mothers such spineless folks as to not care that putin is having their children die in a country that has little to do with the honor and respect in how they live their lives?
     The nearly half a million dead young Russian men are no longer. How will Russian society move on from this generational gap when they eventually learn it has all been for naught? Every minute putin and his ghouls in the kremlin continue is another minute many more young Russian soldiers will be ended in Ukraine. Those old men who are leading this death march of Russian young men should be the ones in that march, not the young Russian men. All people of good intent know that death without purpose is waste and should never be considered to fulfill an ego driven narcissist. My hope is that today the better forces of good in Russia will find a way to end the madness of putin and the devastation to both Ukraine and Russia in Ukraine!

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